HEM-EEZ AND eyesight

Eyesight and the Vessel Connection


Hem-eez is fundamental in increasing vessel health and strength. If you are experiencing eye strain, stress, or damage, Hem-eez can help reverse damage and increase blood-flow to the blood vessels in the eyes. Blood vessels of the eye carry nourishment to their retinas. Even though these vessels are always in your field of vision, you normally don’t see them because the brain, coupled with fatigue of the eye’s receptor cells, eliminates them from view.

The retina has very few blood vessels which would disturb the retinal picture. Since the retina has so few blood vessels and does a lot of work, it needs to be nourished by a blood vessel layer beneath it, called the choroid or uvea.

These vessels must remain supple and have good flow and circulation to provide maximum overall eye health.

What are the stages of diabetic retinopathy?
Diabetic retinopathy has four stages:

  • Mild Nonproliferative Retinopathy. At this earliest stage, microaneurysms occur. They are small areas of balloon-like swelling in the retina's tiny blood vessels.

  • Moderate Nonproliferative Retinopathy. As the disease progresses, some blood vessels that nourish the retina are blocked.

  • Severe Nonproliferative Retinopathy. Many more blood vessels are blocked, depriving several areas of the retina with their blood supply. These areas of the retina send signals to the body to grow new blood vessels for nourishment.

  • Proliferative Retinopathy. At this advanced stage, the signals sent by the retina for nourishment trigger the growth of new blood vessels. This condition is called proliferative retinopathy. These new blood vessels are abnormal and fragile. They grow along the retina and along the surface of the clear, vitreous gel that fills the inside of the eye. By themselves, these blood vessels do not cause symptoms or vision loss. However, they have thin, fragile walls. If they leak blood, severe vision loss and even blindness can result.

Macular Degeneration

Age-related macular degeneration is the leading cause of blindness in the United States and many European countries. The neovascular "wet" form of the disease is responsible for most (90%) of the severe loss of vision. 

  • Dry macular degeneration the retinal and choroidal blood vessels slowly disappear as does the central retina.

  • Wet macular degeneration, abnormal blood vessels grow under the macular retina, leak and cause scarring in the central retina.